SYZC's Translation

Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor Chapters 148 - 155

Hey Everyone,

Here’s the next set of chapters.

In order to get this release out, I’ve been working on it since I got home from work x.x So tired and sleepy. There will probably be quite a few mistakes cause I was falling asleep while proofreading. Please help me spot them.

I really enjoyed chapters 153-155, so all the work was worth it xD I hope everyone likes it too.

Also, sorry to the fellow cat lover (I assume). I said I would include a picture of my cat, but too sleep to find one now. Next time >.< You can have a silly story instead. My cat likes to look out the window, and whenever she see’s something (idk what) she’ll jump off the window sill, run around the room, and the come right back to watch some more… Wierd behaviour XD but super cute. Now if only she would cuddle… -sigh-

Welp, enjoy.

Chapter 148